Author Archives: Information Department

The Israeli War turns Gaza into a Cemetery along with Slow Death

Settlers Burn Palestinian Lands in the West Bank June 18, 2024 The successive humanitarian crises in the Gaza Strip over a period of eight months turned it into an open Israeli military target, making it a cemetery to which its residents cannot find a safe place to move. This situation continues amid international warnings of […]

Israel Kills 2,000 Palestinians Every Month

27,306 Were Killed in the First Four Months of the War on Gaza June 10, 2024 The Organization of Islamic Cooperation Media Observatory for Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians recorded a consistent pattern of systematic killings against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, especially in the months of February, March, April, and May […]

Famine Looms over Northern Gaza, Extending Southward; 432 Palestinians Murdered in One Week

10456 Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa in a Month, Demolish 8 buildings in the West Bank and al-Quds, and Burn Agricultural Lands June 4, 2024 Israel murdered 432 Palestinians from May 28 to June 3, 2024, as monitored by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Media Observatory for Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians. The Israeli occupation forces also murdered 429 Palestinians […]