2,000 Israeli Violations in Palestinian Cities within a Week

May 14, 2024

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Media Observatory for Israel’s Crimes against the Palestinians recorded a new toll of civilian casualties. These developments coincide with the start of the Israeli occupation army’s invasion of the city of Rafah at the beginning of the observation period, May 7-13, 2024. 

The OIC Observatory followed this period and counted 358 murdered and 754 wounded, most of them victims of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and the city of Rafah in particular, among 42 massacre. 

These massacres have catastrophically compounded the humanitarian situation throughout the Gaza Strip. This development completely denies Israeli claims about safe havens for displaced Palestinians, with the number of Palestinian murders reaching 35,589, since October 7, 2023, until now. 

On the humanitarian level, United Nations spokesman Stephane Dujarric confirmed on May 8 that no goods for humanitarian operations entered Gaza through the main crossings. The UN World Health Organization (WHO) warned that the fuel stock available in the Gaza Strip “will not be sufficient to provide health care for only 3 more days,” along with the evacuation of the Muhammad Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital by Israeli forces.

Israeli crimes against the Gaza Strip have remarkably spread to the occupied city of al-Quds when a group of settlers closed the main entrance to the village of Al-Issawiya to prevent aid from reaching the Gaza Strip, and another set fire to the trees surrounding the headquarters of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, (UNRWA) in the Sheikh Jarrah in al-Quds.

Regarding Palestinian detainees, the Israeli occupation forces arrested 182 Palestinians in the cities of the West Bank and al-Quds, at a time when the American channel CNN presented a report revealing Israeli crimes against detainees who are tied naked to beds and prevented from moving throughout the period of their detention as a result of torture. 

In terms of violations in general, the OIC Observatory recorded 2,000 Israeli violations within a week, ranging from murdering, wounding, arresting, assaulting, confiscation of property, levelling of land, and settlement activities in various Palestinian cities. The Observatory also recorded daily raids on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, in addition to the demolition of 13 homes in Hebron, Qalqilya, and Jericho, as well as the demolition of 8 other agricultural and commercial facilities in al-Quds, Jericho, and Hebron.

Israeli settlers increased their attacks on West Bank villages, where 30 crimes were monitored during which settlers physically assaulted Palestinian citizens, vandalized and assaulted their property, and carried out settlement activities that may lead to the construction of settlement outposts on Palestinian land. The occupation forces also closed the doors of the old building of the Hebron City Municipality in the Ain Al-Askar area, in preparation for seizing it and handing it over to Israeli settlers.