23 April 2024

The Israeli occupation forces intensified their attacks on West Bank cities. Additionally, they continue their aggression against the Gaza Strip. 

According to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s media observatory for Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians during the period 16 – 22 April 2024, 378 Palestinians were murdered, including 24 people in West Bank, and about 675 Palestinians were wounded, most of them, in the Gaza Strip. The number of Palestinians killed from October 7, 2023, until April 21, 2024, reached about 34,582.

The occupation forces have expanded their military aggression against the Gaza Strip over the past week, and they are preparing for a large-scale military operation expected in the crowded city of Rafah. Israel is clearly ignoring all international warnings of the consequences of a major humanitarian catastrophe in the city if Israel insists on its preparations to invade the city.

In the city of Khan Yunis, reports documented the discovery of mass graves in the courtyard of the Nasser Medical Complex in the south of the Gaza Strip, indicating that hundreds of displaced, wounded, sick, and medical staff were subjected to torture and abuse before they were executed and buried en masse.

On the other hand, the United Nations reported that, 6 months after the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, more than 10 thousand Palestinian women were murdered, including 6 thousand mothers, leaving behind about 19 thousand orphaned children.

In Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Jewish extremists, under the protection of the occupation forces, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque on an almost daily basis. The occupation forces also attacked a Palestinian journalist while she was performing her work in the city, and a house there was demolished.

In the West Bank, the occupation forces stormed Nour Shams camp in the city of Tulkarm during the past days, and 18 people murdered were victims of this aggression. Palestinians announced a comprehensive strike in the cities, towns, and villages of the West Bank, including suspending school for one day, in protest against the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the Nour Shams camp.

The total number of Israeli violations over the period of time monitored by the OIC Observatory amounted to 1,931 violations, the most prominent of which included the confiscation of agricultural areas in the villages of Hebron, including 64 dunums in the village of Al-Buwayra, the establishment of settlement outposts in the northern Jordan Valley, the construction of a settlement road in Tulkarm, and the expansion of the entrance to “Refafa” settlement near Salfit. The occupation forces confiscated two agricultural tractors and two bulldozers and destroyed cars in Jenin, Tulkarm, and Al-Bireh. They also demolished a house in Hebron, bulldozed agricultural lands in Qalqilya, Tubas, and Deir Istiya, in addition to uprooting many perennial olive trees, destroyed and confiscated property in Nour Shams camp, and beat up citizens in Bethlehem, and attacked medical teams, in addition to raiding a mosque in Tulkarm.

Finally, the number of settler attacks on towns and villages in the West Bank reached 31 attacks over the course of one week, which included shooting at Palestinian citizens in the village of Burqa in the city of Ramallah, during which 6 Palestinians were wounded.