Israel bulldozes streets and infrastructure of camps under the pretext of its military campaign in the West Bank

September 10, 2024

Over the past seven days, the occupation forces murdered 213 Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The OIC Media Observatory on Israeli Crimes against Palestinians monitored the wounding of 647 Palestinians during the period between September 3-9, 2024, bringing the number of murdered since October 7, 2023 to 41,680 and the number of wounded to 100,525.

The occupation forces continue to restrict the polio vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip, as they prevented, for the fifth time in a row, convoys from the United Nations and the World Health Organization from delivering medicines and fuel needed for the polio campaign and for therapeutic purposes in the Strip.

On the other hand, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said that formal education is not available in any of its 200 schools in the Gaza Strip, as many of them are used as shelters for the displaced, and that more than 600,000 students are deprived of formal education for another year.

In the context of its hysterical military campaign in the West Bank camps, the Israeli occupation forces murdered 11 Palestinians over the period covered by the observatory’s report, and arrested 188 others, while the occupation forces besieged, over the days that were monitored, the government hospital, Al-Israa Hospital, and other hospitals, and obstructed the movement of ambulances in each of the Nur Shams, Tulkarm, and Jenin camps. It also continued the systematic destruction of infrastructure, streets, shops, and service vehicles in the Nur Shams and Tulkarm camps in Tulkarm city and Balata in Nablus, in addition to Al-Far’a camp in Tubas, and the Burqin camp and Jenin camp in Jenin governorate.

The occupation forces stormed the Student Council headquarters at Birzeit University in Ramallah Governorate, and prevented worshipers from reaching the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City of Hebron in order to enable settlers to celebrate and perform Talmudic rituals inside the mosque.

Last week, the occupation forces demolished 11 houses in the governorates of Salfit, Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm and Hebron, in addition to 4 apartments in Beit Hanina in occupied al-Quds. They also destroyed 7 agricultural pens in Nablus, Jericho and Hebron, burned two houses in Jenin and Tulkarm, and destroyed a number of houses built of brick and tin in Khirbet Qalqas in Hebron. Additionally, they destroyed two water wells in the town of Adh Dhahiriya in Hebron, confiscated 3 cars in the city and siezed 16 gas cylinders at the Tayasir checkpoint in Jericho.

The number of settler raids on Palestinian villages in the West Bank this week reached 46, which included burning agricultural lands in the villages of Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya and Burqa in Nablus Governorate, and an olive farm in the town of Hizma in al-Quds, in addition to burning agricultural lands in villages in Qalqilya and Tulkarm Governorates. Settlers also burned a number of cars in the town of Deir Diwan in Ramallah Governorate, and a car in the village of Khirbet Abu Falah in Ramallah Governorate. Settlers cut down a number of olive and grape trees in the town of Yatta in Hebron Governorate, and damaged and stole the irrigation network and agricultural water tanks. They also attacked agricultural lands in Nablus, cut down a number of olive trees in the village of Khalayel Al-Loz, while others released their sheep on Palestinian lands in the town of Sinjil in Ramallah Governorate with the intention of destroying crops. 

The number of settlement activities during the past week reached 7 activities represented in extending water lines on Palestinian lands in the village of Iskaka and establishing rooms, mobile homes and tents in the towns of Qusra and Al-Khader in addition to the summit of Jabal Al-Matl and Jabal Al-Qarantul. The settlers also continued their attempts to seize the Ma’in Beita water well in Hebron. Additionally, settlers forced two Palestinian families to leave the Wadi Al-Faw area in the northern Jordan Valley in Tubas, while another group bulldozed a plot of land in the village of Jinsafut with the aim of seizing it and annexing it to the “Emmanuel” settlement. 

In total, the number of crimes, violations and attacks carried out by the Israeli army and settlers over the past week reached 1899 crimes and violations.