Gaza needs $40 billion and 16 years to rebuild

May 7, 2024

The Israeli occupation forces practically began the military operation against the city of Rafah, despite clear international rejection, and the progress that has been made to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and amid numerous international warnings of the consequences of a massive human massacre and unprecedented famine in the city.

The occupation forces also killed (253) Palestinians in (26) massacres in different areas, according to the OIC Media Observatory for Israel’s Crimes against the Palestinians, during the period between April 30 – May 6, 2024. The occupation forces wounded (476) Palestinians during the same period. On the other hand, 35,233 Palestinians were murdered since October 7, 2023 until now.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli settlers attacked two Jordanian aid convoys, the first at the Beit Hanoun crossing, which included (31) trucks, and the second on the Kerem Shalom crossing road, which consisted of (48) trucks carrying humanitarian aid, which included food and flour.

The United Nations Development Program and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia stated in a joint report that the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip will push about 1.74 million Palestinians into poverty, representing 58% of the Strip’s population. The report said that the Israeli bombing over a period of (7) months destroyed a (44) year development effort that had begun in 1980 in the fields of health and education in the Gaza Strip. The report estimated the cost of rebuilding Gaza at approximately (40) billion dollars, which may take (16) years in a reconstruction process ends at 2040 at best. The report confirmed that the Israeli war completely destroyed (79) thousand homes, and partially destroyed 370 thousand.

Regarding the attacks on the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the OIC Observatory recorded (4) incursions into the courtyards of the Holy Mosque during the past 7 days. The cities and towns of the West Bank were subjected to a wave of arrests during the same period that included (127) Palestinians, and the occupation forces demolished (9) buildings that included residential homes and commercial stores in al Quds, Ramallah, Tulkarm, and Hebron, and confiscated (3) bulldozers, two agricultural tractors, and a truck in the villages of each of them. Hebron, Ramallah, and Nablus, along with the bulldozing of agricultural lands and infrastructure in Nablus, Hebron, and Tulkarm.